What We Do

Understand the Selfcaremen Testosterone Therapy Process

Our Process

Who are the doctors?

We have dedicated and qualified GP’s focusing in this area. Below is all the information you need be confident to make your booking with us.

What makes you eligible?

If you are suffering from low libido, poor erections, decreased drive and motivation you may be experiencing symptoms of low testosterone. If you have used testosterone in the past and you may also be experiencing low testosterone. Low testosterone can happen to anyone and an estimated 40% of men over 45 have lower testosterone.

Unsure if you are eligible?

We have a customised eligibility questionnaire here below. Once complete our doctors can call your to let you know if you’re eligible for consultation.

How do I make a booking?

We have a customised eligibility questionnaire here below. Once complete our doctors can call your to let you know if you’re eligible for consultation.

How do I get in touch?

If you have any more questions of concern’s feel free to contact us via email or call back.

What are the costs of the consultations?

Each consultation with our doctors are 30 minutes.

Initial Consultation

Our doctors will take an in-depth history assessing your risk factors ensuring you are are safe and eligible for testosterone therapy. We will also book you a specialised blood test to confirm your diagnosis.

Follow Up Consultation

In your follow up consultation you will have your blood test reviewed and explained to you.

You will be eligible based on the the following criteria on your bloods:

  • Total testosterone below 12 nmol/L

  • Total testosterone below 14nmol/L and you are diabetic

  • Free testosterone below 225 nmol/L

Once confirmed our doctors can prescribe and teach how to administer testosterone therapy. There are a range of treatments including gels, creams and injections. We will also go through the risks and benefits and any questions you may have

Repeat Prescriptions

Once you have been prescribed you will need a repeat prescription every 3-6 months. You will require ongoing monitoring of your testosterone, liver, kidneys, oestrogen and prostate through blood tests. If everything looks good you will be prescribed for another 3-6 months.

Is there any cost with the prescription?

The cost for the medicine is around $10-$15 and is subsidised, apparatus required will be funded.