Testosterone is a hormone that plays a crucial role in the development and maintenance of male characteristics, like facial hair, deep voice, and muscle mass. It's also found in smaller amounts in females, where it contributes to overall health.

Now, sometimes, a person's body might not produce enough testosterone on its own, and that can lead to a range of symptoms like low energy, reduced muscle strength, mood changes, and even problems with sexual function. If you're experiencing these issues and we find that testosterone levels are consistently low, we might consider testosterone therapy as a treatment option.

The goal is to help you feel better and alleviate the symptoms you've been struggling with. There are different ways we can do this, such as through medication, lifestyle management and supplementation.

However, it's essential to know that testosterone therapy isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. It's tailored to your specific needs, and we'll closely monitor your progress to ensure it's working effectively and safely for you.

There are some potential side effects and risks associated with testosterone therapy, we'll discuss these in detail, and keep an open line of communication throughout your treatment.

Remember, the main goal of testosterone therapy is to improve your quality of life and overall health if you have a testosterone deficiency. Together, we'll make sure you receive the best care possible.



Initial Telehealth Consultation


Start your journey with a formal 30 minute telehealth assessment with one of our dedicated doctors. They will help assess and discuss your concerns related to low testoroene. In depth bloods will be ordered based on the assessment.

Follow Up Consultation


Based on your blood work, a formal diagnosis will be made. Doctors will then discuss lifestyle changes, appropriate supplementation and consideration of testosterone therapy.

Repeat prescription require ongoing monitoring with regular bloodwork and follow up consultation.

The process is EASY


One of our qualified doctors will listen, assess your eligibility and investigate to whether your symptoms are related to low testosterone


A follow up appointment is then organised to discuss your results and treatment options available tailored to your specific health goals


We will then continue to monitor your levels, adjusting, optomising and educating. Follow ups are generally every 3-6 months

Still want more info?

We have an in depth webpage about the testosterone process.


  • No, your blood test will be sent electronically to the lab in the area your are based. Ensure you take your ID. Blood tests are usually walk in however you can book in as well.

  • You will need to book in for a follow up consultation. Your doctor will explain your results and what you will need to do next. Management options will be explained and if you require monitoring in the future.

  • You will need to book in for another follow up appointment each time. This is so the doctors can monitor your progress, repeat blood work and then can prescribe you for another 3 months.

  • We follow strict NZ Bpac guidelines and BSSM guidelines. Based on a combination of your symptoms and bloodwork we mainly look for a specific

    The main diagnosis we look for is secondary hypogonadism. This is when your testes are not able to produce testosterone even when you are providing enough signalling from your brain.

    Any other causes of low testosterone will require further work up. Our doctors will be able to help further guide and refer you to the appropriate specialist and investigations if required.

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